Case-law translations

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Case-law translations

How to access non-official translations in HUDOC?

By clicking on "Language versions" under the 'Case details' appearing on the results screen, you will be directed to a page providing you with access to judgments, decisions and other documents available in HUDOC in one or both of the Court's official languages (English and French), translations of the case-law into non-official languages and links to third-party Internet sites that host other translations of the case-law of the Court.

Please consult the User Manual for more information.

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Documents and tools provided by the Court

The Registry of the Court has produced a Practical Guide on Admissibility Criteria in English and French which describes the conditions of admissibility which an application must meet. This guide has also been translated and is available in many non-official languages.

Other case-law related publications are also available online.

The Court Library database enables users to search for bibliographical references in a number of languages, either by case title (e.g. Kalashnikov) or by Convention Article (e.g. CEDH-3 – please note that searches by Article have to be made using the French initials for the Convention: 'CEDH'.

Documentation providing information for persons wishing to lodge an application with the Court is available in many languages.

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Documents and tools provided by the Council of Europe

A number of glossaries and handbooks on Convention case-law are available in various languages. Likewise, E-training tools on the Convention are provided in a variety of languages. 

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Unless otherwise indicated, translations into non-official languages are not produced by the Registry of the Court and the Registry does not check their accuracy or linguistic quality. These translations are published in HUDOC for information purposes only and the Court accepts no responsibility for their quality or content. All translations are copyright protected and may not be reproduced or republished electronically, in print or in any other form without prior approval by the copyright holder. Should you wish to reproduce or republish a translation which contains no specific copyright mention, please contact the HUDOC team for the details of the rights holder (using the contact form in the link further below).
Please note that more than one translation of a particular judgment or decision into a given language may exist.

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External online collections of translations

A series of links is provided below to Internet sites hosting translations of Convention case-law into languages other than English and French. This list is not exhaustive.

Please note: The Court is not responsible for the content of external websites and the inclusion of a link in the list below does not constitute any endorsement of the site or the materials contained on it.

Links are listed by country and, if there is more than one link for a country, in alphabetical order.

Further links will be added from time to time.

If you have a suggestion for a new site to be included in the list, if you are a Web or other publisher interested in having translations included in the HUDOC database, or if you wish to contact us to object to a link to your site, please let us know using this form.

Publishers, organisations and governments interested in submitting non-official translations for inclusion in the Court's HUDOC database are invited to follow this procedure.

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