60 years of the Court

The strength of the European system of human rights protection undoubtedly lies in the fact that the Convention's drafters set up a court, the ECHR, to ensure the observance of their engagements.

For sixty years now it has been overseeing compliance with human rights, to ensure that this protection serves the cause of justice and peace, in line with the preambule to the Convention.

Through its case-law, the Court has played a major role in improving the protection of human rights in Europe.

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60 years of the Court: Message by President Sicilianos

On 30 September 2019, to mark the anniversary the President of the Court, Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos, reflects on the strength of the European system of human rights protection and the impact of the Court’s case-law.

 Message by President Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos

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Key dates

Sixty years of history of the ECHR in the most significant key dates.
 Key dates ECHR

Exhibition: "France and the ECHR" - June 2019

On 14 June 2019 President Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos and Ms Amélie de Montchalin, Secretary of State to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, responsible for European Affairs, inaugurated the France & the ECHR exhibition at the Court.
This exhibition is part of the Court’s 60th anniversary celebrations and coincides with the French chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers. It retraces the historical relations between the Court and France, in particular the major role played by a number of prominent French figures in drafting the Convention, and presents the key judgments against France and the impact they have had at national level.
 Speech by President Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos (in French only)

Open Day - May 2019

The European Court of Human Rights held an open day on Sunday 5 May 2019 to mark its 60th anniversary.
This iconic building, normally closed to visitors, has not been open to the public for 10 years.

Press release
 Visit Guide
 More info

Exhibition: "Finland and the ECHR" - January 2019

On 23 January 2019 President Guido Raimondi and Sauli Niinistö, President of the Republic of Finland, inaugurated an exhibition in the Human Rights Building entitled Finland presents 60 years of the European Court of Human Rights.

Organised in connection with the Finnish Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers, it consists of a series of panels showing the key events in the Court’s history, together with documents and information more specifically about Finland’s connection with the Court.

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Special stamps to mark the 60th anniversary of the  European Court of Human Rights and the 70th anniversary of the Council of Europe were issued by the Post Offices of different State members of the Council of Europe.
Other State members are also preparing their stamp that will be available soon.

ECHR by Monsieur Z

For the Court's 60th anniversary, the famous French illustrator and graphic artist Monsieur Z has designed a poster showing the Human Rights Building.