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Introduction to dashboards

The data in the below dashboards, published on the Tableau Public website, is presented in a dynamic format. 

Analysis of statistics

By clicking either on a State or its flag, the interactive map as well as the key figures below, including applications pending on 31 December of the previous year, allocated in the previous year and finished in the previous year, will adjust. To go back to the general overview, click once again on a State or a flag previously chosen.
For the country graphs, apply filters by year and State. Select criteria and use the “Apply” button. Click on the screen to get rid of the drop-down list. 

Friendly settlements and unilateral declarations

The statistics on friendly settlements and unilateral declarations, usually available in the annual ”Analysis of statistics”, show the number of applications struck out after a friendly settlement reached between the parties or following a unilateral declaration submitted by a respondent Government. The dashboard takes into account data since 2011, following the entry into force of Protocol No. 14.

Interim measures

The statistics on interim measures refer to the number of decisions taken by the Court to grant or to refuse requests under Rule 39 of the Rules of Court. They also contain figures for requests declared outside the scope of application of Rule 39. Details are available by a Contracting State since 2017.