Collections - Human Rights

The Library of the European Court of Human Rights has a rich collection of material on the European Convention of Human Rights, the European Court of Human Rights, as well as material on human rights, international law, national legislation and case-law. The library develops this collection with purchased and donated items.

References to all the material in the collection can be found in the catalogue.

Specific material on the Convention and the Court can be found on the Convention Collections page.

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New Acquisitions Bulletin

To keep you regularly informed about the latest additions to the collection the Library produces a 'New Acquisitions Bulletin'. It is published quarterly at the beginning of April, July, October and January.

The references are to books, chapters in books and periodical articles and are attributed to one of the Bulletin’s 11 subject areas. They are drawn from books and periodicals acquired by purchase or donation.

Subscribe to the Bulletin by RSS feed (information on ECHR RSS feeds)

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Bulletin Issues



New books

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342.7:06COUREDH(44) % DAN

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342.7:06COUREDH(55) % MOT 
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342.734 :06CE % STA

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342.7(082) % STA 

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342.7:06OEA % MED

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341.645 % BUR
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341.645 % LAB

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341.34 % SCH

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342.711(4) % VLI

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342.731 % UYT

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342.732(44) % FAS

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342.726.1(4) % JUN 

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The Library of the ECHR holds a rich collection of periodicals covering human rights law and public international law.

The complete list of the Library's periodical collection covers human rights law and public international law. The list comprises subscription and non-subscription titles, as well as current and defunct titles.

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Table of contents of human rights periodicals

The Library has selected the leading 21 periodical titles delivering scholarly articles on international human rights law and offers a current awareness service of their contents.
Click on the title image to view the contents of the latest issue.

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Cyprus Human Rights Law Journal

Mortsel (Belgium) : Intersentia
Frequency : 2 x/year
Holdings : 2012-
ISSN : 2034-8770
Latest issue: Vol.3, issue 2 (2014)

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Diritti dell'uomo - cronache e battaglie

Roma : UFTDU
Frequency : 3 x/year
Holdings : 1990-
ISSN : 1121-8754
Latest issue : Vol. 34 no. 2 (2023)

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Diritti umani e diritto internazionale

Milano : FrancoAngeli
Frequency : 3 x/year
Holdings : 2007-
ISSN : 1971-7105
Latest issue : Vol. 18, no. 1 (2024)

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Europäische Grundrechte Zeitschrift

Kehl am Rhein (Germany) : Engel Verlag
Frequency : 24 x/year
Holdings : 1974-
ISSN : 0341-9800
Latest issue : Jahrg. 51, H. 1-9 (2024)

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Europe of rights & liberties

Strasbourg : University of Strasbourg
Frequency : 1 x/year
Holdings : 2020-
ISSN : 2726-1263
Online from 2020
Latest issue : Issue 8 (2023)

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European Convention on Human Rights law review

Leiden : Brill Nijhoff
Frequency : 4 x/year
Holdings : 2020-
ISSN : 2666-3228
Latest issue : Vol. 5, issue 2 (2024)

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European human rights law review

London : Sweet and Maxwell
Frequency : 6 x/year
Holdings : 1995-
ISSN : 1361-1526
Latest issue : Issue 2 (2024)

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Harvard human rights journal

Cambridge (USA) : Harvard Law School
Frequency : 1 x/year
Holdings : 1988-
ISSN : 1057-5057
Latest issue : Vol. 35 (2022)

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Health and human rights

Boston (USA) : F.X. Bagnoud CHHR
Frequency : 2 x/year
Holdings : 1994-2006
ISSN : 1057-5057
(from 2007 only open access)

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Human rights law journal

Kehl am Rhein (Germany) : Engel Verlag
Frequency : 12 x/year
Holdings : 1980-
ISSN : 0174-4704
Latest issue : Vol. 43, no. 10-12 (2023)

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Human rights law review

Oxford : Oxford University Press
Frequency : 4 x/year
Holdings : 2000-
ISSN : 1461-7781
Online from 2020 
Latest issue : Vol. 24 no. 2 (2024)

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Human rights quarterly

Baltimore (USA) : Johns Hopkins University Press
Frequency : 4 x/year
Holdings : 1979-
ISSN : 0275-0392
Latest issue : Vol. 46, no. 2 (2024)

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International human rights reports

Nottingham (UK) : Human Rights Law Centre
Frequency : 4 x/year
Holdings : 1994-
ISSN : 1351-542X
Latest issue : Vol. 30, no. 1 (2023)

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International journal of human rights

Abingdon (UK) : Taylor & Francis Ltd
Frequency : 10 x/year
Holdings : 1997-
ISSN : 1364-2987
Latest issue : Vol. 28, no. 5 (2024)

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Potsdam (Germany): Menschenrechtszentrum der Uni. Potsdam
Frequency : 2 x/year
Holdings : 1996-
ISSN : 1434-2828
(online from 2023; open
access : embargo 1 year)

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Nederlands tijdschrift voor de mensenrechten

Leiden (Netherlands) : NJCM
Frequency : 4 x/year
Holdings : 1976-
ISSN : 0167-9434
Latest issue : Jaarg. 49, no. 2 (2024)

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Netherlands quarterly of human rights (SIM)

London : Sage
Frequency : 4 x/year
Holdings : 1982-
ISSN : 0924-0519
Latest issue : Vol. 42 no. 2 (2024)

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Nordic journal of human rights

Oslo (Norway): Universitetsforlaget
Frequency : 4 x/year
Holdings : 1986-
ISSN : 1891-8131
Latest issue : Vol. 42 no. 2 (2024)

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Peace human rights governance

Padova : University of Padova Human Rights Centre : Padova University Press
Frequency : 3 x/year
Holdings : 2017-
ISSN : 2532-649X
Latest issue : Vol. 6, no. 2 (2022)

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Revue hellénique des droits de l'homme

Athènes : Sakkoulas
Frequency : 4 x/year
Holdings : 2019-
ISSN : 1108-4456

Latest issue : Vol. 97 (2023)

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Revue trimestrielle des droits de l'homme

Bruxelles : Nemesis
Frequency : 4 x/year
Holdings : 1990-
ISSN : 0777-3579
Latest issue : Année 35 n° 138 (2024)

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Revue universelle des droits de l'homme

Kehl am Rhein (Germany) : Engel Verlag
Frequency : 12 x/year
Holdings : 1989-
ISSN : 0937-714x
Latest issue : Vol. 24 n° 1-12 (2018-2019)