Henri Rolin

Born on 3 May 1891 in Gand, Belgium

  • Doctor of Law
  • Barrister at the Brussels Court of Appeal
  • Professor of international law, University of Brussels
  • Doctor honoris causa, University of Grenoble
  • Member of the Institut de Droit International
  • Associate Member of the Grotius Society and the Greek International Law Association
  • Senator and Former President of the Senate
  • Former Minister of State
  • Former Member of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe and former Chairman of its Legal Committee
  • Member of the Hague Permanent Court of Arbitration
  • Member or President of various Permanent Conciliation Commissions
  • Vice-President of the Court from 20 May 1965 to 27 September 1968
  • President of the Court from 27 September 1968 to 5 May 1971
  • Judge of the European Court of Human Rights from 21 January 1959 to 19 April 1973


President from 27 September 1968 to 5 May 1971

 Full CV

Henri Rolin