René Cassin

Born on 5 October 1887 in Bayonne, France

  • Education: Lycée, Nice; Faculties of Law, Aix and Paris; Licencié ès lettres (1908)
  • Doctor of Jurisprudence, Economics and Politics (1914), Agrégé (1920); Professor ofLaw, Faculty of Law, Lille (1919) and Paris (1929)
  • Professor, Hague Academy and Institut universitaire des Hautes EtudesInternationales, Geneva
  • Doctor honoris causa, Oxford University
  • National Commissary for Justice and Education in the French Government, London(1941-43); member of the Algiers Consultative Assembly and Chairman of LegalCommittee (1943-44)
  • Vice-President of the Conseil d’Etat (since 1944)
  • Member of the Institut (Académie des Sciences morales et politiques)
  • President of the Commission Constitutionnelle provisoire (set up by the 1958Constitution)
  • French Representative to League of Nations (1924-38)
  • French co-founder of UNESCO (1942-45-46-52)
  • Delegate to United Nations (1946-50-51)
  • Member (since 1945) and former President, United Nations Commission of HumanRights; principal author of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)
  • Chairman of Board, Ecole Nationale d’Administration, Institut international d’Etudeset de Recherches diplomatiques and Amis de l’Université de Paris
  • Président d’honneur, International Institute of Administrative Sciences and Society ofComparative Legislation
  • Between the two wars, president of the Union Fédérale des Mutilés et anciensCombattants (in which capacity played a large part in preparing laws and regulationson rehabilitation of war victims and education of orphan wards of the Nation)
  • Président d’honneur, Union Française des Anciens Combattants
  • President, Alliance Israélite Universelle
  • Grand-Croix de la Légion d’Honneur; Compagnon de la Libération; MédailleMilitaire; Croix de Guerre
  • Vice-President of the Court from 15 September 1959 to 20 May 1965
  • President of the Court from 20 May 1965 to 15 June 1968
  • Judge of the European Court of Human Rights from 21 January 1959 to 20 February1976


President from 20 May 1965 to 15 June 1968

  Full CV

René Cassin