Rolv Ryssdal

Born on 27 October 1914 in Bergen, Norway

  • Cand. Jur. (LLB) 1939
  • Assistant Judge 1939-1941
  • Secretary, Ministry of Supply, 1941-1943
  • Public Prosecutor, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, 1945-1948
  • Admitted to the Bar of the Supreme Court, 1948
  • Practised law 1948-1956
  • Secretary General, Royal Ministry of Justice and Police, 1956-1964
  • Justice of the Norwegian Supreme Court, 1964-1969
  • President of the Norwegian Supreme Court, 1969
  • Member of the Penal Law Revision Committee since 1949; Chairman since 1965
  • Censor, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo
  • Vice-President of the Court from 4 February 1981 to 29 May 1985
  • President of the Court from 30 May 1985 to 18 February 1998
  • Judge of the European Court of Human Rights from 23 January 1973 to18 February 1998





President from 30 May 1985 to 18 February 1998

 Full CV

Rolv Ryssdal