Opening of the judicial year 2016

Solemn hearing

Photo of President Raimondi giving a speech

The seminar was followed by the official opening ceremony, in the course of which the President Guido Raimondi and Andrzej Rzepliński, President of the Polish Constitutional Court, addressed a 330-strong audience representing the judicial world and local and national authorities.

 Speech by President Guido Raimondi

 Speech by Andrzej Rzepliński

Video of the ceremony: Original language - English - French


Photo of the seminar room with participants

The theme of the seminar was International and national courts confronting large-scale violations of human rights. It was opened by Guido Raimondi and the sessions were chaired by Julia Laffranque and Ganna Yudkivska, Judges of the ECHR. The speakers at the seminar were Piotr Hofmański, Judge of the International Criminal Court, Aharon Barak, former President of the Supreme Court of Israel and Erik Møse, Ksenija Turković, Robert Spano and Iulia Antoanella Motoc, Judges of the ECHR.

 Proceedings of the seminar

 Seminar Background Paper Part 1 Part 2

Video of the seminar: Original language - English - French

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