Opening of the judicial year 2019

Solemn hearing

Photo of the judges on the occasion of the solemn hearing

The official opening ceremony was attended by 330 representatives of the judicial world and of local and national authorities. The guest of honour at this year’s opening ceremony was Laurent Fabius, President of the French Constitutional Council.

 Speech by President Guido Raimondi

 Speech by Laurent Fabius

Video of the ceremony: Original language - English - French


Photo of the speakers at the seminar

The official opening of the ECHR’s judicial year took place on 25 January 2019. The event included a seminar on the topic Strengthening Confidence in the Judiciary, attended by 260 eminent figures from the European judicial scene.

 Proceedings of the seminar

 Seminar background paper

 Seminar background paper (Russian)

Video of the Seminar: Original language - English - French

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