Opening of the Judicial Year 2021

Solemn hearing

Photo of President Spano giving a speech

A solemn hearing took place at the Court on 10 September 2021. During the solemn hearing, the President of the Court, Robert Spano, and the President of the Dutch Supreme Court of Cassation, Dineke de Groot, addressed representatives of the superior courts of the Council of Europe member states, and local, national and international authorities.

 Speech by President Robert Spano

 Speech by Dineke de Groot

Video of the solemn hearing: Original language - English - French


Photo showing the judicial seminar

Dialogue between judges A judicial seminar on "The Rule of Law and Justice in a digital age", preceding the solemn hearing, took place on 10 September 2021 and was attended by leading figures from the European judicial world.

 Proceeding of the Seminar

 Seminar Background Paper


Video of the Seminar: Original language - English - French

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